Friday, January 30, 2009

Relationship of the Church and Israel

So here's the dilemma, there's a huge controvery among Evangelical circles that is causing splits in churches all across the world. Has the church replaced Israel? Is there a common ground in the middle that people can come to unity over or is this a topic that deserves Ecclesiastical Separation? I would like to hear you opinions on this subject. Tell me about it...

1 comment:

  1. i guess it depends on what you mean by "common ground." Do you mean a theological compromise or 'putting aside our differences'? I mean I am not going to separate from some reformed person in a I Cor 5:1-5 kinda way, but I am not going to be co-church planters with him either... I wouldn't have a problem sitting down for coffee and discussing theology with him, but I wouldn't be involved in ministry with him because what would we teach those who we ministered to? we can't be teaching ppl two conflicting doctrines....
