Monday, February 16, 2009

Reasons for a Literal Interpretion of God's Word

Reasons for a Literal Hermeneutic:

“When the plain sense makes good sense, seek no other sense.” - Hermeneutical Slogan

1. Philosophical Reason -

Language was given to communicate meaning. God’s Word is conveyed to present and confirm a message.

2. Biblical Reason -

Prophecies were fulfilled in a literal way.

3. Logical Reason -

All objectivity is lost. The interpretation is based on the mind of the interpreter, so the interpretation is subjective to the mind of the person.

Literal Hermeneutics with Axioms:

1. Some truth is given by way of accommodation

Anthropomorphisms - Displays God as having human body parts.
God is described as having arms (Isaiah 53:1, 59:1, Romans 10:21)
We see God seemingly changing His mind (Genesis 6:6)

Anthropopathisms - God in human terms that we can understand
God laughs (Psalm 2:4)
God is weary (Isaiah 1:14, 7:13)

Scientific data described phenomenally rather than technically.
Matthew 5:45 - Sun Rises
Mark 1:32 - Sun Sets

So God’s Word was not meant to be a science textbook, these passages obviously do not state that the earth is at the center of the universe, it just uses cultural dialect to impose a thought in respect to God’s revelation.

2. Interpretation must keep a sound historical basis

Seemingly decent illustration would be the water in John 3:5 as not meaning baptismal regeneration.

If we understand the historical context behind the verse in John 3:5 and other similar passages that seemingly point to baptismal regeneration, then we will understand what was truly being said by these passages.

3. Interpretation is ONE. Application is MANY.

Seemingly decent principle would be John 3:30, John the Baptist was saying that he must decrease in popularity. This is a huge applicatory verse that all Christians should understand that Christ should be magnified above us all.

If we try to interpret passages to fit our lives, then the passages are conformed to our lives and all objectivity is lost. The Lord demands a standard all throughout His Word, so there is an objective standard to understanding God’s revelation.

4. No statement in the Holy Scriptures should be interpreted as having more than one meaning unless usually strong reasons warrant it.

If the material that the Bible addresses is to have more than one reason, then again, who determines what is right? Who determines the standard as to how far we are to understand and interpret the Word of God? There must be an objective standard to interpreting God’s Word.

5. Interpret the Bible Harmonistically

A. An author does not contradict Himself (Acts 2:38 with Acts 16:30-31 or I Cor. 15:29 with I Cor. 15:1-4)

For instance, baptismal regeneration (Acts 2:38) was something that was contradicted by the Acts 16 passage, so there must be some other interpretation of Acts 2:38.

B. An author does not contradict another author

C. The Old Testament does not contradict the New Testament.

Decent Example: The Old Testament does not teach polygamy and the New Testament monogamy.

If there seems to be a contradiction in the Word of God, then the problem is not the Bible, the problem is the interpreter.

6 Reasons Why a Literal Hermeneutic is Important
1. Restricts the amount of human distortion that allegorizing allows. “Objectivity”
2. Applies appropriate scripture to its addressees
3. Exposes the Distortions of Cults. (Prosperity Gospel, Social Gospel, Liberation Theology)
4. Fulfills the calling of language, God communicates to His people clearly.
5. Recognizes the continuing importance of the nation of Israel and God’s covenants.
6. Prophecies concerning Christ were fulfilled literally.

(I Corinthians 4:6, II Peter 1:20-21)

4 Reasons Why a Desire for a Figurative Interpretation:

1. Appeals to an intellectual aspect within mankind - for instance - Calvinism has spread because it takes a logical aspect to explain the philosophy of Calvinism.

2. Appeals to possible spiritual experiences - for instance - St. Augustine, the theological father of allegorical interpretation, read the writings of Origen.
Origen taught three levels of spiritual understanding:

1. Soma - literal meaning of scripture, anyone can understand
2. Psyche - some allegorical additions; this view reserved for some
3. Pneuma - a few spiritual people are chosen from each generation to understand this deep level of understanding.

Unfortunately, Origen’s logic doesn’t add up. It doesn’t seem that God will only reveal His Spiritual aspects to people that seek Him but cannot reach His full revelation.

3. Appeals to the subjective attitudes of people - for instance - people desire to be like God (note how Satan tempted Eve in the garden), so they try to bring the scriptures under their level of intellect and try to force scripture to conform to their system of understanding.

Also, it should be noted that people who desire to “skip over” some passages of the Bible do so and call it figurative interpretation. Why? Because it’s man’s desire to bring the standard that God has set down to their level of understanding.

4. Appeals to the “popular crowd” - for instance - when people claim to have a divine revelation from God, it catches people’s attention, therefore drawing attention to the one that has the supposed revelation from God.

People that claim the allegorical interpretation grow congregations that feed on their minds and their opinions about the Bible rather than studying the Bible and letting God reveal Himself to them through His Word.

It’s an obvious note that the reasons that people come to the love of this interpretation are always birthed out of fleshly motives. They love the praise of men rather than the service and humility that God desires.

Precision is demanded in our culture and always has, God has answered with His literal Holy Word.

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