Saturday, May 23, 2009

Why so Many People do not Believe in Absolute Truth - Argument #2

Argument #2: Subjectivity of truth is the ultimate desire of man.

Subjectivity of truth will give each man the opportunity to control circumstances. Since the beginning of time, man has wanted complete control over whatever he sets his mind to. Why has mankind always wanted to have absolute control? Because there would be no more questionable issues regarding ethics, morals, or human rights. Also, there would be no more value in the life of any other person in a man's eyes because he is only concerned with his own truth. Lastly, mankind will never have to change, humble himself, or depend on anyone else as long as he is in control of his own truth. The reality is, no man can control the circumstances that interact according to his own life.

Secondly, the main reason that mankind desires a subjective interpretation of truth is because it gives man the opportunity to be God. Whether a man will admit it or not, he is completely helpless is the presence of God. God is absolute and anything that He issues is absolute truth whether man likes it or not. Unfortunately, the biggest concern with man and his acceptance of absolute truth is that he will have to admit that there is something greater in the universe than he is. In the garden of Eden, how did Satan tempt Eve? He told her that she would be God-like if she ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She ate of it with these hopes, why does man ever try to take things into his own hands? The only reason is to be God-like. Instead of adopting humility, submissiveness, and an attitude of servant-hood, mankind would rather place himself in a position of power to achieve glory, power, and respect. But what are these things if everyone around desires them as well? It only means that the next person in line behind the man in charge is willing to do whatever it takes to be in charge. God is absolute and truth comes from Him, therefore He receives the glory, power, and respect because only He deserves it.

Truth must be absolute because mankind cannot handle the responsibilities of organizing any absolute truth.

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