Saturday, May 23, 2009

Why so Many People do not Believe in Absolute Truth - Conclusion


Absolute truth is the only way to logically understand the world, but unfortunately, so many people claim to have achieved the absolute truth. In love, God grafted an intellect in every person, along with the gift of emotions and a will. God made us in His image, a moral being. With the gifts that He gave us, we are able to process information logically and come to conclusions. It is up to the individual to process the fact that there is an absolute truth, obtain an understanding of absolute truth (because if there is absolute truth, then we can access it), and react accordingly to it. My prayer for my readers is that you engage in a philosophical war until absolute truth has been rooted into the depths of your intellect, emotions, and will so that it can dictate your behavior, attitude, and worldview.

Don't settle for fool's gold while the real stuff is right in your face.

[Resource List: (A place of agreement among scholars that support the idea of absolute truth)
The Truth War – John MacArthur
Fool's Gold – John MacArthur
Truth – Pascal Engel (Secular Source)
Truth – Dave Bordon
Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from its Cultural Captivity – Nancy Pearcy
There are many written works in regard to this topic, but readers should be careful because most do not hold to a biblical mindset.]

Why so Many People do not Believe in Absolute Truth - Argument #3

Argument #3: Subjectivity of truth gives man the opportunity to ignore his own depravity.

Man cannot accept an absolute truth because if there is an absolute that dictates, then it will demand submission. If truth is subjective, then man will not have to conform to any authority that he did not have any authority in the making. If truth is subjective, then man will not have to find himself in a place of submission to a particular ideal that he doesn't completely understand. If truth is subjective, then man will be completely free to develop his own belief system. Fortunately for mankind, truth is completely independent of all circumstances past, present, and future. Because if the responsibility of truth was dependent upon man, then there would be absolutely no sense of submission among any human beings.

Also, man cannot accept an absolute truth because if there is an absolute that dictates, then it will demand humility. Humility is the single most crucial asset to absolute truth, because if there was no absolute truth, there would be no humility. Humility is always dependent on a person's understanding of himself. If a person thinks highly of himself, he will have no humility. If truth is subjective, then there will be absolutely no reason for man to humble himself because his interpretation of truth is his way and his way is just as good as anyone's way. Absolute truth demands that a person admit that his own truth is not the right truth and a confession like that will require humility. Therefore, the only conclusion is that humility can only be derived from an understanding of absolute truth.

Finally, man cannot accept an absolute truth because if there is an absolute that dictates, then it will demand dependency. Subjective truth places value on the interpreter thereof and not on the truth itself. Therefore, it is selfish and is not a product of the greater authority because the greater authority has created truth without any regard for the interpreter. Therefore, absolute truth demands one interpretation of it and that interpretation is dependent on what the author has intended. Then man can have no opinion that influences the absolute truth because he has no authority in regard to truth unless he speaks in unison with the absolute truth. This creates a dependency on the absolute truth that man will have to accept. Unfortunately, it's not in the sinful nature of mankind to accept anything that would force him into a dependent scenario. Even if he is depending on a source that is consistent with all his needs and resources. Therefore, the only conclusion is that there is absolute truth but man resists it.

Truth must be absolute and independent of human interaction, therefore it requires submission, humility, and dependency.

Why so Many People do not Believe in Absolute Truth - Argument #2

Argument #2: Subjectivity of truth is the ultimate desire of man.

Subjectivity of truth will give each man the opportunity to control circumstances. Since the beginning of time, man has wanted complete control over whatever he sets his mind to. Why has mankind always wanted to have absolute control? Because there would be no more questionable issues regarding ethics, morals, or human rights. Also, there would be no more value in the life of any other person in a man's eyes because he is only concerned with his own truth. Lastly, mankind will never have to change, humble himself, or depend on anyone else as long as he is in control of his own truth. The reality is, no man can control the circumstances that interact according to his own life.

Secondly, the main reason that mankind desires a subjective interpretation of truth is because it gives man the opportunity to be God. Whether a man will admit it or not, he is completely helpless is the presence of God. God is absolute and anything that He issues is absolute truth whether man likes it or not. Unfortunately, the biggest concern with man and his acceptance of absolute truth is that he will have to admit that there is something greater in the universe than he is. In the garden of Eden, how did Satan tempt Eve? He told her that she would be God-like if she ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She ate of it with these hopes, why does man ever try to take things into his own hands? The only reason is to be God-like. Instead of adopting humility, submissiveness, and an attitude of servant-hood, mankind would rather place himself in a position of power to achieve glory, power, and respect. But what are these things if everyone around desires them as well? It only means that the next person in line behind the man in charge is willing to do whatever it takes to be in charge. God is absolute and truth comes from Him, therefore He receives the glory, power, and respect because only He deserves it.

Truth must be absolute because mankind cannot handle the responsibilities of organizing any absolute truth.

Why so Many People do not Believe in Absolute Truth - Argument #1

Argument #1: The Subjectivity of Truth Will Cause Inevitable Conflict

If every person that has ever lived reacted accordingly to their own interpretation of truth, then they will be judging everything that occurs according to their personal experiences. No two people have ever shared the exact same experiences in life. If two people have experiences that differ, then a conflict has arisen and who is the judge to choose whose truth is greater? Unfortunately, if truth is subjective, then no one can possibly judge between the two of them.

Also, subjective truth will always be reflective of the personal desires of happiness of an individual. If experiences judge the interpretation of truth, then each will consider truth to be what brings the greatest amount of happiness to himself. This mindset poses an issue because differing interest groups will demand particular rights that will always conflict with other interest groups. Here's an example, if a man owns a dog and the dog is a nuisance to his neighbor, then one person's interpretation of truth will see the dog as a problem the other sees the dog as an asset. Again, whose to judge what's true between the two of them? Unfortunately, there is no person that has a greater truth than these two, so unresolved conflict has resulted.

Lastly, governing authorities will always be based upon changing circumstances. Who would want to live in subjection to an authority that changes? When a governing authority is based upon the subjectivity of truth, the laws will always change, selfishness of officials will result in suffering for the common people, and one person, or group of persons, will always project their interpretation of truth above their subjects. When there is no absolute judging authority of truth, then laws, court decisions, code of conduct, restrictions, or peace because these issues will be of no effect in the minds of the people.

Truth must be absolute because conflict will always be the ultimate resolve of a subjective understanding of the world.

Why So Many People Do Not Accept an Absolute Truth (Introduction and Thesis)

The term absolute can be defined as the unchanging rule of understanding regarding a particular interpretation of anything. Absolutes are often set up in regard to laws that govern a community of peoples. The term absolute is often coined as pertaining to a particular event or idea. For instance, gravity is an absolute, twenty-four hour days is an absolute, and truth is an absolute. Many people groups across the globe will likely oppose to this gesture by saying that truth is subjective. Unfortunately, truth is absolute and cannot be a subjective interpretation.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Principles Outlined Proving a Plurality of Church Leadership

Principles Outlined Proving a Plurality of Church Leadership


Ecclesiology is the study of Christ’s Church, the ordinances, the leadership, the goals, etc. As of late, the church leadership that has been adopted by most conservative churches in America has been the senior pastor churches, with some associate pastors that serve beneath him. Basically, this government has no differences from that of the Presbyterian model except for the terminology that supports it. Unfortunately, this practice is directly against scriptural teaching. The Bible indicates that there should be a plurality of leaders in each local church. I’ve also brought a few opinions as to why the Scripture has pointed to this particular leadership.

Argument #1 - Logical Argument

Logically, a decent discussion of local church leadership must include the accountability that whatever governing official the church decides to embrace. It seems apparent that the Bible speaks highly of the concept of accountability. Power will always corrupt if not kept in check. The total depravity of man will completely infect any position of power if the leadership is not held accountable. The main question would be which system of government would be held under the greatest accountability, a senior pastor that oversees all, or a group of pastors with the same authority keeping each other and the congregation in check? Of course the group of pastors would present the greatest amount of accountability because not only is the congregation consistently interacting with them, but the pastors are also involved in each others’ lives. Therefore, a rational conclusion would be that accountability would consistently prevail with a group of godly men keeping check over each other as opposed to a single godly man keeping himself in check.

Secondly, it only logical that decisions regarding indirect means of ministry are better discussed and decided by a group of equally authoritative godly men as opposed to one godly man. When a decision regarding intricate details of ministry, like finances or the calling that God has placed on individuals in the church, it is important that all aspects of the decision to be brought into the light before a conscious decision can be made. Of course prayer and principles of God’s Word are the moderators of each decision, but a group of men can confirm the direction of God as opposed to one man making the decision without seeing all possible areas. Also, who would know if the senior pastor is making the right decision without the multiplicity of authority? God’s ordained purpose is for unity concerning His people with the goal of glorifying His name. Therefore, it would only seem accurate that God would want every possible way to assure unity, and the best possible way to achieve this would be the directed and authoritative decisions of a group of pastors rather than a single pastor.

Argument #2 - Philosophical Argument

On a more philosophical note, keeping a plural governing body will also eliminate the personality centered local church ministry that has plagued so many churches. It seems that a pastor is the undershepherd of Jesus Christ (I Pet. 5:3-4). Therefore, the leadership is supposed to be completely unbiased when making ministry decisions. For instance, if the local church is shepherded by one man, the church will consistently lean toward the preferences of the pastor. In cases of music, liturgy, church bulletin styles, various ministries, even food decisions will ultimately, yet unnoticeably be influenced by the leadership of the church. If the leadership is plural, then these preferences will cover a wider variety. I Corinthians 14:26 says, “How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together… Let all things be done for edification.” If the church is leaning on the preferences of one pastor, then the church will always minister more successfully to people that have similar interests as the pastor as opposed to a variety of leadership that could ultimately minister to a greater variety of people. Based on the evidence, it is only more reasonable to conclude that a plural church leadership with equal authority can make unbiased decisions that keep the church from following after a particular personality.

Secondly, a pastor is the head of the discipleship ministry, therefore it is sensible to conclude that a plural group of pastors can more effectively disciple the “sheep” that God leads to their discipleship ministry. For instance, a single pastor cannot possibly have his role of discipleship in the lives of all those in the flock entrusted to him by Christ effectively if he is involved in “biblical” discipleship in all of the church. As already noted, a single pastor cannot possibly minister to all varieties of people effectively. The philosophy of leadership will always require unbiased leadership and the best way to demonstrate unbiased leadership is to have a plural group of pastors that demonstrate godly decisions with little room for personal preferences.

Thirdly, if the church is being led by a single pastor, then the church is consistently dependent on the relationship that the pastor has with God. The Bible forbids man to place his trust in another man (Mic. 7:5, Jer. 17:5, II Cor. 1:9), therefore, the philosophy of church leadership should honor this principle. When a single pastor is leading the church in a shepherding position, then the church will be dependent on his relationship with God. Should the pastor fall, the entire church will suffer. To prevent this unneeded suffering, the reasonable church governing style, is a plural governing body with equal authority among a number of pastors.

Argument #3 - Biblical Argument

A few notable passages of Scripture can be found that seem to address a plural set of pastors throughout the book of Acts:

1. Acts 11:30 – Multiple elders from one church commissioned Paul and Barnabbas.
2. Acts 14:23 – During Paul’s ministry, multiple elders were placed single churches as Paul planted them.
3. Acts 15:2 – Plural apostles are seated along with the elders of the Jerusalem church.
4. Acts 20:17 – Paul calls the elders of the Ephesian church for a few quick words of exhortation.

Other Notable Passages:
1. James 5:14 – The plural group of elders from the single church are commanded to pray for the sick in the church.
2. Hebrews 13:17 – Plural group of people mentioned as having the authority over the individual.
3. Ephesians 4:11-12 – It would seem that the context and the content are referring to local church; there is plural “pastors (KJV).”

The Bible seems to show several passages that indicate a plural group of leaders ministering authority in the local church ministry. Some have argued that a plural leadership is only necessary if the church is large, but who makes that call? Who decides when the church needs another pastor? Unfortunately, the Bible does not provide this sort of information so it’s my sentiments to say that there should always be a plurality of leadership in the local church.


It seems that there has always been a temptation for mankind to take the easy way in every possible situation. That is why there is always a single leader that leads every institution that man has ever founded. But is the local church an institution that follows after the same foundational principles that the world is founded upon? God’s method of church leadership was founded on the basis of God, and there should be no swaying away from that. In the study of Ecclesiology, the Holy Spirit is the glue that holds the church together, not man. My opinion is that man has had issues in their local churches in the past while under plural leadership and there has been a difference of opinion and a church split because the leadership and the church got their eyes off of Jesus. When that happens, I believe that the separate local churches decided to lean on a single pastor. Instead of walking by faith and trusting God to put the men that He wanted into leadership, the church decided to adopt this new senior pastor mentality and allow him to make the decisions for the church.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Reasons for a Literal Interpretion of God's Word

Reasons for a Literal Hermeneutic:

“When the plain sense makes good sense, seek no other sense.” - Hermeneutical Slogan

1. Philosophical Reason -

Language was given to communicate meaning. God’s Word is conveyed to present and confirm a message.

2. Biblical Reason -

Prophecies were fulfilled in a literal way.

3. Logical Reason -

All objectivity is lost. The interpretation is based on the mind of the interpreter, so the interpretation is subjective to the mind of the person.

Literal Hermeneutics with Axioms:

1. Some truth is given by way of accommodation

Anthropomorphisms - Displays God as having human body parts.
God is described as having arms (Isaiah 53:1, 59:1, Romans 10:21)
We see God seemingly changing His mind (Genesis 6:6)

Anthropopathisms - God in human terms that we can understand
God laughs (Psalm 2:4)
God is weary (Isaiah 1:14, 7:13)

Scientific data described phenomenally rather than technically.
Matthew 5:45 - Sun Rises
Mark 1:32 - Sun Sets

So God’s Word was not meant to be a science textbook, these passages obviously do not state that the earth is at the center of the universe, it just uses cultural dialect to impose a thought in respect to God’s revelation.

2. Interpretation must keep a sound historical basis

Seemingly decent illustration would be the water in John 3:5 as not meaning baptismal regeneration.

If we understand the historical context behind the verse in John 3:5 and other similar passages that seemingly point to baptismal regeneration, then we will understand what was truly being said by these passages.

3. Interpretation is ONE. Application is MANY.

Seemingly decent principle would be John 3:30, John the Baptist was saying that he must decrease in popularity. This is a huge applicatory verse that all Christians should understand that Christ should be magnified above us all.

If we try to interpret passages to fit our lives, then the passages are conformed to our lives and all objectivity is lost. The Lord demands a standard all throughout His Word, so there is an objective standard to understanding God’s revelation.

4. No statement in the Holy Scriptures should be interpreted as having more than one meaning unless usually strong reasons warrant it.

If the material that the Bible addresses is to have more than one reason, then again, who determines what is right? Who determines the standard as to how far we are to understand and interpret the Word of God? There must be an objective standard to interpreting God’s Word.

5. Interpret the Bible Harmonistically

A. An author does not contradict Himself (Acts 2:38 with Acts 16:30-31 or I Cor. 15:29 with I Cor. 15:1-4)

For instance, baptismal regeneration (Acts 2:38) was something that was contradicted by the Acts 16 passage, so there must be some other interpretation of Acts 2:38.

B. An author does not contradict another author

C. The Old Testament does not contradict the New Testament.

Decent Example: The Old Testament does not teach polygamy and the New Testament monogamy.

If there seems to be a contradiction in the Word of God, then the problem is not the Bible, the problem is the interpreter.

6 Reasons Why a Literal Hermeneutic is Important
1. Restricts the amount of human distortion that allegorizing allows. “Objectivity”
2. Applies appropriate scripture to its addressees
3. Exposes the Distortions of Cults. (Prosperity Gospel, Social Gospel, Liberation Theology)
4. Fulfills the calling of language, God communicates to His people clearly.
5. Recognizes the continuing importance of the nation of Israel and God’s covenants.
6. Prophecies concerning Christ were fulfilled literally.

(I Corinthians 4:6, II Peter 1:20-21)

4 Reasons Why a Desire for a Figurative Interpretation:

1. Appeals to an intellectual aspect within mankind - for instance - Calvinism has spread because it takes a logical aspect to explain the philosophy of Calvinism.

2. Appeals to possible spiritual experiences - for instance - St. Augustine, the theological father of allegorical interpretation, read the writings of Origen.
Origen taught three levels of spiritual understanding:

1. Soma - literal meaning of scripture, anyone can understand
2. Psyche - some allegorical additions; this view reserved for some
3. Pneuma - a few spiritual people are chosen from each generation to understand this deep level of understanding.

Unfortunately, Origen’s logic doesn’t add up. It doesn’t seem that God will only reveal His Spiritual aspects to people that seek Him but cannot reach His full revelation.

3. Appeals to the subjective attitudes of people - for instance - people desire to be like God (note how Satan tempted Eve in the garden), so they try to bring the scriptures under their level of intellect and try to force scripture to conform to their system of understanding.

Also, it should be noted that people who desire to “skip over” some passages of the Bible do so and call it figurative interpretation. Why? Because it’s man’s desire to bring the standard that God has set down to their level of understanding.

4. Appeals to the “popular crowd” - for instance - when people claim to have a divine revelation from God, it catches people’s attention, therefore drawing attention to the one that has the supposed revelation from God.

People that claim the allegorical interpretation grow congregations that feed on their minds and their opinions about the Bible rather than studying the Bible and letting God reveal Himself to them through His Word.

It’s an obvious note that the reasons that people come to the love of this interpretation are always birthed out of fleshly motives. They love the praise of men rather than the service and humility that God desires.

Precision is demanded in our culture and always has, God has answered with His literal Holy Word.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Realization of Grace (Part 1)

Realization of Grace - Jacob (Genesis 29:1-12)

Jacob was a respectable man by today’s standards. He earned what he got, he lived in light of what was his own. Jacob was a man that was completely exemplary for today’s society. What Jacob wanted, Jacob worked for. This is respectable right?

In Genesis 29:1-12 we see that Jacob comes over a hill. He’s hanging out with some guys buy the local watering well, when a woman walks over a hill. Jacob sees her and instantly falls in love with her. While staying in touch with Jacob’s mindset, he knew that if he wanted her to love him back, he had to work for it.

This is the mindset of men in today’s society, we have to work for love and work to make people love us. Unfortunately, this is a sign of serious arrogance. If a person loves another person, then there is nothing that anyone can do to make that person love the other any more or any less.

For someone to think that they can earn another person’s love, puts the responsibility of love on the their shoulders rather than the one that is doing the loving. With this in mind, we can conclude that we are working to find a place in someone’s heart by our actions, therefore, we have ourselves on our minds and cannot possibly be thinking at all about the other person. This is pride.

When Jacob sees Rachel, he does the most romantic thing, he throws a big rock and kisses and cries with her. He tried to be manly, this is not an appropriate gift to offer a woman, Jacob’s mind was on himself. If you know any women at all, you know that they are not impressed by displays of men’s manhood. But Rachel loved Jacob anyway.

This is a picture of grace. Grace is when God’s love for us is so big, that he chooses to have His Son die for us, we can’t earn it, because God is so holy that we cannot approach His throne at all with the slightest mistake in our lives. So, God’s Son paid the debt that no one could ever pay, therefore Grace was poured out on all who would believe.

The challenge comes though, when someone will just stop trying to do the respectable thing of trying to earn what the get, but Salvation is nothing that you can earn. All you can do is humbly accept the free offer of God’s Grace. So, stop trying and let go, let God pick up where you left off.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Popular Theology

So I've recently undergone much thought and challenge by God through some friends and some studying about the crisis of the local churches in America. It seems that churches are chasing "the new thing" that gets people to church to hear the gospel. This comes alot from the worldview of Postmodernism Christianity that states that the church should toss out doctrine and just work on relating to the culture to the highest degree. My dilemma is, "How is that working out for ya?" The answer to my own question is simple, it's not.

Sure many people flock to hear the latest songs played by the hottest bands. It's a free concert being thrown by the local church that really just encourages rebellion. But, is there any thought at all about the gospel, the most important thing?

As I sit in the seat of the spectator watching these events, I notice that there is a problem with the presentation of the gospel as the distorted truth is being manifested through a terrible problem known as Seeker Friendliness.

Please tell me what your thoughts are on this epidemic and if you are a fan of Seeker Friendliness or a consistent fighter against it. Some people Is it possible for some people to ride the fence on this issue?

Relationship of the Church and Israel

So here's the dilemma, there's a huge controvery among Evangelical circles that is causing splits in churches all across the world. Has the church replaced Israel? Is there a common ground in the middle that people can come to unity over or is this a topic that deserves Ecclesiastical Separation? I would like to hear you opinions on this subject. Tell me about it...

A Little Spat on Christian Worship

What if we stopped trying to define what worship is and just worship? It seems that American Christianity seems to be caught up in the ‘Explicities’ rather than the ‘Simplicities.’ There seems to be a fine line drawn in the sand that should not be crossed by our mindset. When concern for minority becomes our major mindset, then worship becomes just another empty religious ritual, and let’s face it, the world doesn’t need anymore of those does it?

When will worship and doctrine become practical and ethical? This question has been a big concern of mine through several conversations that I’ve had with brothers and sisters of different theological viewpoints. When we believe something, then it should be practiced, right? At least that’s what I’ve learned in my interaction with people. People say that our beliefs will focus our attitudes, therefore our behavior will be affected. This is correct, but why is it that when I look at my belief system my behavior is not always a reflection of it? I believe in a process known as Progressive Sanctification, but how come it seems that no progress is being made by the Holy Spirit at times?

This is where the rubber meets the road. I’m studying and learning all sorts of things while in class. I mean I’m getting my head slammed full of material that I will be handling for the rest of my life. I’ve been taught a lot and still have a long road ahead of me. With great power comes great responsibility, right? If what they say about our behavior being a reflection of our beliefs, then my behavior should reflect what I’m learning, but it doesn’t always do that. Many of my friends can testify to how I’ve done and said bad things around them. I don’t understand how things just slip out of me like it’s nobody’s business.

Jesus said in Matthew 15:18-19 that what comes out of the mouth is a direct correlation of what comes from the heart. Jeremiah 17:9 shows that the heart is not always as it seems to us and our evil intentions are often hid by a deceitful heart. In other words, in comparison to what we believe and how we behave, we are in bad shape.

I think that reverential worship (the only way to worship) is through a direct understanding of who God is and where we stand before Him. God is the perfect, holy being that set forth the entire universe with words! I don’t think that we as Christians truly understand this completely, or we would be more in awe of what was going on. If worship indicates a direct link to God and a communing fellowship with God, then we need to be more reverential before the throne of our God.

To come to His throne with the respect that He is due, we need to come in full recognition of ourselves. We need to be in remembrance of the terrible person that we are and the holy Being that our God is. This is the essence of worship. If this is our attitude then whatever follows will be God-centered and completely void of all flesh. Understanding who we are without the divine intervention of our God is the only way to approach His presence.

Moses understood this when He approached the burning bush. Isaiah understood this when answering the call from God. Peter understood this when Jesus called him in Luke. Paul understood this when he was enveloped in the presence of Christ on the Damascus road.

When will we understand this as well? When will we get a full reverential attitude toward the worship of our God that causes us to bow. Worship is not a mindset, it’s a response, it’s a response to the presence of God’s glory being manifested in our sinful hearts.